require 'json' puts "Convert from an array to Json:" puts [1,2,3].to_json puts "\nConvert from a hash to json:" puts ({ name: "Jonathan", birthday: "Dec 1, 1991" }.to_json) puts "\nConvert from an arbitrary class:" class Car def initialize make, model @make = make @model = model end def to_json {'make' => @make, 'model' => @model}.to_json end end c ="Toyota", "Corlla") puts c.to_json puts "\nAnd the other way around" name_hash = '{"name": "Pito", "town": "Arlington"}' puts JSON.parse(name_hash) name_list_hash = '[{"name": "Pito", "town": "Arlington"}, {"name": "Chris", "town": "Willemstad"}, {"name": "Amin", "town": "Lafayette"}]' puts JSON.parse(name_list_hash) puts "\n*** How about converting from XML to JSON?" require 'xml-simple' xml = < Pito Salas male EOS xml_clean = xml.gsub(/\s/, '') xml_hash = XmlSimple.xml_in(xml_clean , { 'ForceArray' => false }) xml_json = xml_hash.to_json puts "Input xml string:", xml_clean puts "\nConverted to a hash:", xml_hash puts "\nConverted to a json string:", xml_json