Calendar of Lectures and homeworks

#lecture datetitlecategorydescriptionhomework
Pilot Project
1Aug 30Welcome!GeneralIntroductions, how the course will run, logistics1) Read PG Article and entrepreneurship article; post pdf to latte 2) Read Learning article. Bring to class your list of behaviors
2Sep 4Lean StartupProduct ManagementLearn basics of Lean Startup; Begin term product discussion1) Read LS Ch 1,2,3. Respond to warmups; 2) Read about the Inventor who ave away his idea. Write reflection.
3Sep 13HypothesesProduct ManagementHow we use a scientific method to determine product/market fit; first round of product brainstorming1) Read LS Ch 4,5. Submit warmup exercise to Latte; 2) Read Buid Measure Learn; 3) Pilot teams meet and begin drafting report
4Sep 18Working on TeamsProduct ManagementWe discuss and experience some of the keys to being effective on a team1) Read "Management Time" and write a reflection; 2) Read the Working In Teams page and write reflection; 3) Look at Indie Hackers web site and find 3 product ideas
5Sep 20MVPProduct ManagementHypotheses and the Minimum Viable Product; Term project brainstorm1) Read Lean Startup Ch 6, submit warmup questions; 2) Pilot Team Meetings; 4) Propose and research one product idea of your own for term project
6Sep 27Guest Lecture: Michael SkokProduct ManagementHow to think about your value proposition. How to go from 'idea' to building a successful company1) Pilot teams perform some out of the building experiments
7Oct 2Pilot Project ConclusionProjectReview of the Pilot Project reports, and prepare for the term project; Third round Term project brainstorm1) Pilot teams complete Pilot Reports and prepare for ; 2) Write Peer and self assessment for Pilot project
Term Project: Startup
8Oct 4Welcome to Term Projects!ProjectGetting ready to start the term projects; Choose projects and teams1) Read and understand how term projects work; 2) Watch and comment on episode of Shark Tank, write your reactions in a post on Latte
9Oct 9Build Measure LearnProduct ManagementMore work on the projects. Start looking at metrics.1) Read Lean Startup Chapter 7, complete warmups. 2) Have team alignment meeting and write initial report.
10Oct 11Project PlanningSkillsHow to think about estimation and project planning1) Read LS Chapter 9, do warmups; 2) Read and do estimation homework; 3) Submit weekly progress update
11Oct 16The PivotProduct ManagementWhat's a pivot and why to pivot1) Read LS Chap 8, respond to warmups
12Oct 18The Engine of GrowthProduct ManagementWe conclude looking at the "lean startup" by digging into the engine of growth1) Read Chapter 10 and respond to warmups; 2) Complete and submit deliverables for Stage 1; 3) Teams submit weekly update
13Oct 23Mockups & PrototypesProduct ManagementBasics of designing attractive and usable interfaces1) Read article about clean design, and write up two examples of violations
14Oct 25Testing TechniquesProduct ManagementHow do we test our assumptions?1) Develop and test a landing page; 2) Experiment with 5 second test; 3) Read articles about Growth and submit written response. 4) Write and submit your Weekly Team Update.
Term Project: Product
15Oct 30Product Market FitProduct ManagementValue Proposition and Business Model1) Team work on Value Proposition
16Nov 1Jeffrey Beir: MetricsEntrepreneurshipOn the importance of testing your assumption. Scientific method when applied to marketing?1) Writeup on specific ways growth hacking readings can apply to your product; 2) Learn about Cohort analysis and show an application to your product; 3) Weekly team update
17Nov 6Business ModelsEntrepreneurshipIntro to the business model canvas1) Learn the business model canvas apply to your project
18Nov 8Pricing ModelsEntrepreneurshipWe get into what a pricing model is and how to think about one.1) Read and comment on two articles
19Nov 13Andy Payne: Startup FinanceEntrepreneurshipGuest Lecturer: Andy Payne. Where does the money come from? How does Venture Capital, Angel Investment, etc work?1) Read about different kinds of investors; 2) Listen to podcast, and write up reaction; 3) Continue working on final deliverables
20Nov 15Intellectual PropertyEntrepreneurshipPatents, Licenses and Secrecy1) Various readings about growth hacking; 2) prepare for discussions; 3) teams continue working
Term Project: Business
21Nov 20Finance for GeeksEntrepreneurshipFundamentals of the financial plan1) Spreadsheet work
22Nov 27Founding a companyEntrepreneurshipHow does a company get founded?1) Teams continue working on final deliverables
23Nov 29Real World Survival KitSkillsInterviewing, Networking, Choosing a career1) Self and Peer assessments; 2) read articles; 3) Continue working on final deliverables
24Dec 4Management and LeadershipSkillsA whirlwind tour through topics related to manamagementMultiple readings
25Dec 6Dulcie Madden: Startup TeamsEntrepreneurshipA real world entrepreneur about how she got there!TBD
26Dec 11Last day converstationGeneralDiscussion, dry runs and practice1) Reflection homework