Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning

This is an experiential learning course! You will be working in teams and discovering what that’s like, and how to be effective in that kind of setting. It’s something that will definitely come up in your future work, no matter what direction you take: business, academia, non profits, government, or entrepreneurship. You can count on learning from the challenges, obstacles and successes you encounter.

You will also be asked to be very self-reliant, figuring out things on your own, having to use the web to research tools and techniques to use, sorting through the noise and finding the best solutions. Everything will not be served up on a silver platter. You can count on developing your self confidence and perseverence and hopefully come to see the value of this in your future.

Overall you will be asked to think about what you are learning from these experiences, what you could apply in the future, and how this course may influence the way you think about what you want to do next.