IMDB For Books
Bibliofiles are always looking for facts about books, from author, genre, reviewers, themes, topics, summaries. Does what IMDB does, but for books.

  • Proposer: Pito Salas

  • Product name:

  • Tweet length summary of project:

  • Team Members:

  • Product Summary: IMDB for Books: A service just like IMDB but for books: titles, genres, authors, publishers, lists of reviews, etc. This would be a very cut and dry “databasy” application that organizes information about books in a factual way. It would not contain reviews or any other subjective information, but if anything, point to it.

  • Elevator pitch:

  • Describe the customer(s):

  • Describe what “jobs” the product will do for the customer:

  • Customer Pains/Gains: [describe what problems the product will eliminate for the customer]