Student Opinion Panels
Builds a huge community of student opinion panels for marketers to get early notice of trends of opinions, for a fee, of course.

  • Proposer: Pito Salas

  • Product name: Student Opinion Panels

  • Tweet length summary of project:

  • Team Members:

  • Product Summary: Develop a huge, diverse panel of students who are willing to answer a focus group kind of question, for example, “How many cups of coffee do you drink each day.”, or “How much would you pay for streaming access to NFL games from your dorm room”. Businesses who want to pose questions, based on geography, gender, age, or whatever, pay a fee to the business. That fee is used to compensate the students based on some magic formula. Panel members recruit new panel members to grow the panels from campus to campus.

  • Elevator pitch:

  • Describe the customer(s):

  • Describe what “jobs” the product will do for the customer:

  • Customer Pains/Gains: [describe what problems the product will eliminate for the customer]

  • Personal statement: *