Tinder for Friends
Discover people nearby who share your unique interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes, major, cla

  • Proposer: Pito Salas, based on ideas from students

  • Product name: TBD

  • Tweet length summary of project: Discover people nearby who share your unique interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes, major, classes

  • Product Summary: Very analogous to Tinder, except that your profile is more about your interests than about your looks

  • Elevator pitch: Do you have trouble finding people who share your unique interests? Are you into anthrology, model trains, canasta, ancient music? Can you talk about it all day, but have trouble finding unique people to share your passion with? This product is for you!

  • Describe the customer(s):

  • Describe what “jobs” the product will do for the customer:

  • Customer Pains/Gains: [describe what problems the product will eliminate for the customer]