Uber for car rentals
Does your car spend most of it's life in the parking lot, unused? Make it available for rental to pre-approved and verified renters on an hourly or daily basis.

  • Proposer: Pito Salas

  • Product name: Uber for car rentals

  • Tweet length summary of project: Does your car spend most of it’s life in the parking lot, unused? Make it available for rental to pre-approved and verified renters on an hourly or daily basis.

  • Product Summary: Many people have cars but they are not used constantly. And yet, insurance and parking and depreciation all cost real money. UberRental brings together these car owners with people who need to use a car for an errand or more. The key is in the community and verification. The owners and renters come from a known community, a college campus or corporate office. THere is an inherent basis in trust, and, the car is by definitely near the renter, so there’s no delivery or parking problem. Everybody wins!

  • Elevator pitch:

  • Describe the customer(s):

  • Describe what “jobs” the product will do for the customer:

  • Customer Pains/Gains: [describe what problems the product will eliminate for the customer]