Proposing a Product

As you know, a central part of this course and lab is the development of a product, working in a team with 3 other students. We will have a brainstorming process when we can all kick around ideas. A template is provided for you to submit an idea that you think would be awesome for a team to work on. The signs of a good proposal are:

  1. How clearly defined and understood is the product?
  2. How feasible is it to be developed during one semester?
  3. How committed is the proposer to the product?

Product Proposal Template

  • Proposer: [your name]

  • Product name: [This can be anything you want. Sometimes people just pick a code name like Alpha, and sometimes a descriptive name like Affective Tutor. You can always change it later.]

  • Tweet length summary of project: [140 characters]

  • Product Summary: (1-3 paragraphs)

  • Describe the customer(s): [a few sentences]

  • Describe what “jobs” the product will do for the customer: [a few sentenecs]

  • Money: [how might this product become self-sustaining or even profitable?]

  • Personal statement: [why I think this is a product that should be built, and why I want to build it]