Rails Tutorial Notes and Caveats
This is the first year we will be using Rails 5.2 in this class. Also we are using On this page, you will find very important details and caveats that will help you be successful.


  • Ruby 2.5
  • Rails 5.2

Development Environment

  • RECOMENDATION Don’t use Cloud9, Eclipse or Idea: The book suggests using the Cloud9 environment. I have not used it so I cannot vouch for it. I know that when you get to your project you will not be using it. You should use the command line.
  • RECOMENDATION I recommend Visual Studio Code, VSCode. You can also use Atom or Sublime as your text editor: There are other ones, particularly on Windows. Whatever you use, it needs to be simple text editor that reads and writes simple “ascii” files. I recommend Atom.
  • RECOMMENDATION Don’t use RVM or Rbenv. These are very respectable utilities (I use rbenv every day) but for a beginner they will cause more confusion than anything.
  • RECOMMENDATION Use Bootstrap version 4