Sinatra Series 2: A Basic Service


Initial API Spec

  • `GET /api/users/paul => JSON result
  • Properly withold password
  • Propertly return key information


  • Look at api_test.rb (in sinatra_series **branch )
  • Test is for a set of specific API calls, not of the database or other internals of the service
  • And before the test runs, it creates a test fixture the particular user being looked up
  • For the test to run there has to be a database (ActiveRecord) which is not yet set up


  • Create a migration rake db:create_migration NAME=create_users
  • Add to the name, password, email and bio fields to the migration
  • Create the corresponding ActiveRecord model in model/user.rb
  • Create database and migrate, both development and test databases!
  • rake db:create db:migrate RACK_ENV=development

Implement GET

  • get '/api/users/:name' do
  • Retrieve the parameter :name with `params[:name]’
  • Use normal activerecord features to retrieve database
  • Use .to_json to convert result to json

Extend TDD tests

  • Check that email, bio are also returned
  • Check that password is NOT returned
  • Add code to the User model so that password is not returned
  • And tests now pass

Continue to implement, as follows:

  • Implement test cases (TDD), demonstrate that they fail
  • Implement the new APIs
  • Demonstrate the test cases succeed
  • Demonstrate operation of the server using an API testing client
    • Mac: Insomnia
    • Chrome: Advanded Rest Client
    • Many many others! #### Additional APIs
  • POST /api/users
    • Supply HTTP attributes: name, email, password and bio
    • Create a new user
    • Return the right status code.
  • DELETE /api/users/:name
    • Delete user with name :name
    • When user with valid :name, then return status OK
    • When user with invalid :name, then return status 404
  • POST /api/users/:name/validate
    • Validate that a certain user’s credentials are correct
    • Supply parameter: :password (clear text)
    • When supplied password is the password for user :name
      • Returns status OK
      • And name, email, bio and password of said user
    • When not, returns status 404


  • Respond to the following warmup questions:
    • Give an example that is not mentioned in the reading of a one to many relationship. Why is it one to many?
    • Explain what a foreign key is and how it is used, exactly, to do a one to many relationship.
    • In what way is a relational database similar or reminiscent of a spreadsheet?
    • Please list two concepts from the reading that you don’t understand, and if you feel you understand it well, then the two most important ideas of this reading.

Write the following additional APIs (which are not in the sample code) and add the test cases as well!

  • PUT /api/users/:id
    • Supply parameters name, email, password and bio (one or more of them)
    • Return OK or 404 depending on whether the id is valid
    • Update the stated parameters
    • In the test case, verify that the update actually occurred.
