Participation and Warmup Assignments

Participation Only Assignments

  • These assignments are marked by this icon:
  • They allow you to show that you are participating in class, by reading and thinking about the work.
  • Your submissions are not marked for correctness but for participation. We require that you show a sincere good faith effort to respond to the question or prompt to receive a mark of 100.
  • Otherwise you receive a mark of 0. (Non-pdf submissions lose 20 points, and not putting your name and assignment number will lose another 20 points, late submussions lose another 20 points.)

Warmup Assignments

  • These are marked by this icon:
  • Some Participation assignments are further marked as warmups indicated by the above icon.
  • They are due at 10am of the day of class with no extension.
  • The reason is that we review your responses before class in order to structure some of the class content based on what we see in the responses.