Cosi105b Software Installation Instuctions

Software Installation

You will find dozens of articles and posts telling you how to install Ruby on your computer. Use them at your own risk. Here are the ones I need you to follow!

  1. For MacOS Users, I strongly recommend installing HomeBrew. It will make it really easy to install other tools you need.
  2. Install the Ruby Environment Manager (rbenv NOT rvm). Follow the instructions for your platform. It is a solid and reliable package that will assist you in installing Ruby.
  3. Using Rbenv, install Ruby 2.6.0: rbenv install 2.6.0
  4. Install Postgres, version 10 or later. There are installers for all platforms
  5. Install Sinatra, and do the getting Getting Started Tutorial (just the very first section)
  6. Install the program git if you don’t have it set up yet
  7. Create an account on github if you don’t have one yet:

Tips for Windows Users

If you are on Mac or Linux you should have no problems. If you are on Windows, you might have some problems. I believe the options right now are:

  1. Spend $40 for 128Gig externale SSD, format it as a bootable Linux drive and boot of that. It’s pretty easy and very reliable
  2. Use VMWare to create a virtual machine on your Windows computer. If your computer is powerful enough and has enough disk and memory this is probably ok.
  3. I have not tried this but: RubyInstaller for Windows has a lot of famous developers behind it.
  4. I have not tried this but: Windows Subsystem for Windows has been reported to be a workable solution.