MVP Types
Minimum Viable Products can be built in many many different ways. They are often not a product at all!

Goal of the MVP

  • “Prove” or “Disprove” a customer, problem or solution hypothesis
  • Hypothesis should be well stated!
  • It should be “falsifiable”

Types of MVPs

A catalog of approaches to collecting “out of the building” information on the journey to product market fit. Click on the links to learn more about each approach.

Focus Group FeedbackSmall group open discussion for feedback and ideas. Face to face lightly moderated meeting.
One on one interviewsOne on one conversations / interviews
Online SurveysThe simplest technique of all: an online survey
Use Ad Tools for metricsFacebook and Google both provide tools that can be used to do quanitative research
Concierge MVPSimulate a product or service "by hand"
Paper PrototypePrototype or mockup of user experience, but on paper
Video MVPVideos, screen casts, animations and simulations to explain and get feedback
Social media, etc.Sending targeted questions using social media and other lists
Landing pageA single page web site, used to convey information and measure interest
Elevator PitchBrief verbal or written summary of proposition